Academic Programs
Your learning process at ICAP
Our methodologies focus on our students’ learning process.
We train people for life, respectful toward themselves and their environment, with the necessary skills to face the complexities of new realities. Through research, we promote critical, reflective and creative thinking.
Our educational model dimensions

We teach for the job.

We form to live ethically in the community.

We empower people’s physical and intellectual abilities. Uniqueness is highly respected.
Our academic process is guided by seven principles:
- Ensure educational innovation.
- Promote research.
- Encourage ethical values.
- Respect the plurality of ideas.
- Manage quality training.
- Promote learning communities.
- Promote programs relevant to reality.
Our academic programs are unique because of:
- Our specialization in Public Administration with a variety of concentrations.
- Our focus on management.
- We provide a regional perspective.
- We emphasize the interrelationship between theory and practice.
- We integrate teaching and research.
Studying at ICAP benefits
Study in an international organization specialized in Public Administration.
Having more than six decades of experience, developing formative processes throughout the Central American region.
Our Degrees are recognized in all ICAP Member countries: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama.
We develop academic programs in all Central American countries.
There are more than 1,346 graduates in the region, many of whom hold managerial positions in public administration.
Flexible schedules, compatible with working hours.
Suitable Monthly payments.
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