ICAP has a team of associate researchers, academics, students and other collaborators from the Central American Region, Panama and the Dominican Republic, who produce articles and other working documents, in topics related to public administration and Central American integration.
Ponemos a su disposición los estudios realizados a disposición de los usuarios, con el fin de aumentar el conocimiento y la capacidad de investigación en la región.

ICAP publishes non-periodically, scientific publications specialized in topics related to the discipline of Public Administration and Central American Integration.

Dossier Institucional
El ICAP presenta su Dossier Institucional Marzo 2020: “Políticas Públicas en el mundo post COVID-19"

Central American Journal of Public Administration
The Magazine is characterized by:
- Be a scientific and indexed magazine
- To be the only specialized magazine in Public Administration of Central America
- It has been published continuously since 1981
- It is published semiannually (two annual issues)
- It constitutes a space for the discussion of new trends in Public Administration

Central American Notebooks
The ICAP Central American Notebooks are published every three months, and are open to all the currents of thought that advocate the development of the discipline of Public Administration and Central American Integration.
All documents produced by ICAP are approved by an Editorial Committee, responsible for reviewing the submitted manuscripts, advising on the criteria and objectives of the various publications, identifying themes for special issues and attracting new researchers and collaborators.