ICAP y UNITAR apoyarán al Instituto Especializado de Educación Superior para la Formación Diplomática de El Salvador

ICAP y UNITAR apoyarán al Instituto Especializado de Educación Superior para la Formación Diplomática de El Salvador

San Salvador, El Salvador. Within the framework of strengthening regional capacities, the Central American Institute of Public Administration, ICAP, with the support of the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), will provide training to the Specialized Institute of Higher Education for Diplomatic Training, IIESFORD of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of El Salvador.

Alexander López, Director del ICAP y Claudia María Samayoa, Rectora del IIESFORD se reunieron el día de ayer para buscar espacios de cooperación y tender puentes para desarrollar capacidades.

During this second semester, ICAP - UNITAR will offer a strategic seminar on Leadership and Negotiation, with the objective of developing leadership competencies and strengthening capacities in negotiation, mediation and conflict resolution through a learning process with theoretical and practical components.

ICAP is a regional international organization committed to the development of institutional management capabilities, modernization and innovation of the public sector in the region, in order to face the great global challenges.

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